"My god, it's full of stars"
Using a quote from the famous film "2001: A Space Odyssey" seems very apt for a shot like this, taken from the urban setting of Saffron Walden in Essex.
The night sky was the inspiration for me to pick up a camera and start shooting a few years ago. But it's only recently that I've purchased a camera capable of capturing the detail out of the faint band of our home galaxy, the Milky Way, that stretches overhead in our night skies.
I took this shot on a whim last night whilst visiting friends, I could make out the very faint Milky Way in the sky, so thought I would see what was possible in that less than ideal location...light pollution and haze were stacking the odds against me but I had itchy fingers and just had to give it a go!
Whilst this is only the first small step for me in achieving the kind of image that I would like to get of the night sky, I am more than happy with the detail that I've been able to coax out of the RAW image file from a light polluted town location....enjoy!
(25 x 25 second exposures, ISO 800, F2.8, 24mm)